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Charles Kunkle

Welcome to Leadership


Thank you for visiting my blog on our newly launched No Time To Care website!

In my career, I have noticed that some of us were born to be leaders while others stumble upon the opportunity and make the most of it. In 1993 I wanted to be a leader. I knew that I possessed a desire to be the person who others could rely on when they needed help. The rush I felt when my colleagues looked to me for answers was self-motivating. It was the only motivation I needed to get better and better at the art of leadership.

So on that day when my mentor first told me she didn’t think I was ready to be a leader I was devastated. It then became apparent that this was the moment in time that my conviction to dedicate myself to becoming a great leader was absolute. That a life in leadership was what I was meant to do. I was determined to show my boss that “she was wrong and I was going to prove it!”. Why didn’t she see it? Others considered me an excellent clinical nurse and well respected by my peers. I was the person staff would come to if they needed to know something or had a clinical question that others couldn’t answer. So then why the lack of respect?

The answer was plain and simple; leadership is a talent like any other talent. It needs to be nurtured and honed with the help of other’s knowledge and wisdom. Each of us has had people come and go in our lives that have made an impact, whether that be a teacher in high school or maybe even a parent who has helped us become the awesome person that we are today. Their influence is apparent in us in many different ways. But as much as those special people have influenced who we are today we must realize that personal relationships are just a part of what makes a great leader. I believe that an equally important factor in our ability to lead is our willingness to always grow, to seek out and be open to new ways and maintain a passion for being the best at whatever we are doing. We must have faith in our intuition even though others tell you it is never going to work. We need to be willing to admit that we are wrong in front of the very same group that we just convinced our way was the best way. We must be vulnerable and allow others to see us as real people whose only fault is their passion for doing the best job possible.

Leadership is always evolving. It is our choice as leaders as to how we approach those challenges.

Our hope is that through No Time To Care we can help you maintain the passion and navigate the ever-changing leadership world. I hope this blog will help with your journey to becoming a better leader. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your career. We are excited that you chose us!